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Competition Advocate

NSPA Competition Advocate is responsible for ensuring that procurements processed by the Agency are available for International Competitive Bidding to the maximum extent practicable.

The Competition Advocate facilitates relations between suppliers and government entities and NSPA fostering the exchange of information, and assisting in solving problems concerning participation in procurements made by NSPA.

Additionally, the Competition Advocate provides an informal avenue for appeals and settlement of disputes, avoiding confrontation with a view to resolving problems.

The Competition Advocate chairs the panels to resolve claims received from Industry under NSPA provisions for claims of unduly restrictive specifications and other Pre-contract award claims and dispute resolution procedures. (S)he also acts as the Agency's Point of Contact (POC) for complaints filed by industry or by national authorities relative to procurement processes or procedures, addressing concerns regarding fair and equal treatment and transparency in the procurement process.

Firms requiring support from the NSPA Competition Advocate can contact:

Competition Advocate

11 Rue de la Gare
G.-D. Luxembourg

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