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CEPS Programme

The CEPS Programme consists of three main elements: the Programme Board (PB), the Programme Office (PO) and four National Organizations. The CEPS Programme, as a whole, is part of the NATO Support and Procurement Organization (NSPO).

The CEPS Programme Board

The CEPS PB is the governing body responsible for overseeing the execution of the CEPS Programme and approving policy and procedures for the operation, maintenance of the system and the financing of the Programme. It safeguards the collective interests of the Programme and of its six member nations, which are Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, and the United States.

To assist in its role, the Programme Board established three subordinate committees:

  • The CEPS Budget Committee (BC), for the screening of the Programme annual budget; 
  • The "Cellule Commerciale Intégrée" (CCI), or Integrated Commercial Cell, to deal with the commercial aspects of the CEPS operation; 
  • The CEPS Infrastructure Committee (CIC), to make recommendations regarding the technical, operational and financial aspects of the Programme's infrastructure projects.

The CEPS Programme Office

The Programme Office is the executive body of the Programme. It is manned by little less than 40 NATO International Civilians (NIC), and its facilities are located in Versailles , France. The CEPS PO is an integral part of the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA), the executive body of NSPO.

Under the authority of the CEPS Programme Manager, who is responsible for the financial management and the execution of the CEPS Programme, the CEPS PO coordinates all the Programme's operational, technical and financial activities. The CEPS PO organizes its activity around three main areas:

  • The Technical Department, which is responsible for the coordination of the CEPS Infrastructure Plans, essential for the readiness of the system; 
  • The Operations Department, responsible for the coordination of the system's operation and the implementation of the military and commercial activity policies, including, contracts, tariffs and capacity management. 
  • The Finance Section, under the guidance of the NSPA Financial Controller, responsible for the Programme's financial management activities, including budgeting, execution and accounting of transactions. 
  • The CEPS PO also has a General Support Section for the logistics support of the Programme Office, an HR element to assist the PM's management of its workforce and a Plans and Policy Officer, who provides policy guidance to the PM through its Deputy.

The CEPS National Organizations

Each Host Nation is responsible for the part of the system in its territory. With the exception of Luxembourg, who delegated that authority to Belgium, the CEPS Host Nations established National Organisations to operate and maintain their part of the system:

  • Belgian Pipeline Organisation, the BPO (covering Belgium and Luxemburg) 
  • Service National des Oléoducs Interalliés, the SNOI (France) 
  • Fernleitungs- Betriebsgesellschaft, the FBG (Germany) 
  • Defensie Pijpleiding Organisatie, the DPO (The Netherlands)

These four National Organizations are responsible for the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the system. Each one runs a dispatching centre for the control of the operations and a certified laboratory for product quality control. Globally, they employ more than 850 highly qualified national civilian and military personnel.

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